Wednesday, June 22, 2022

In case Facebook cancels our profile, or takes down our post against the Biden Administration's Far Left politics...

First off, let me just say again that in 2015 I lost good friends and golf partners, simply because after years of staying mainstream as to politics (pre-2015), I chose to register to vote Republican and voted for Donald Trump in 2016 (…and posted it on FB). My radical LEFT friends, immediately told me that they (he and his wife) didn’t want to have anything more to do with me… and unfriended me on FB. Despite all the years that I had accepted their point of view, and told them that ‘while I may not agree with all you believe in, I can and do accept that your views may be different from mine, and still support your right to have your own views.’ They didn’t care. It was to be their way or the highway. Sadly, this is the way the Far Left was then and still is today (only now they’re on steroids). I hope my ex-friends are still happy with their choice for President, given what he has done to our country, to our economy… and to their retirement $$.

So, now for the main point I want to make, to be clear as to where I stand, while wondering IF or for how long FB will leave it up, or if they will just CANCEL our profile, as the left wants to CANCEL AMERICA, and as is their policy to deal with anyone who is not supporting their agenda. Just in case though, I am posting it on our website as well, in case.

Everyone is entitled to at least 1 rant in their lifetime... so here's mine. Please excuse me if you get tired of reading it, but it is important to me that I get it off my chest, and for people like my poor excuse for EX Friends (mentioned above), this is to let them (and everyone else who wants to silence the RIGHT, unless we support their rhetoric) that WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED. That is our right under the 1st Amendment. So, here goes…

How much more are PATRIOTIC AMERICANS going to take from the Biden administration and the Radical Far Left he serves, before the pressure builds to the point of no return, as it did with the war against the British and the Civil War? Or are we just going to let them destroy us, to the point that we can’t ever build our country back, IF we still have a country that has not been given away to China or Russia?

BIDEN has already all but totally destroyed our country, dividing Americans against each other, and not just between Republicans and Democrats, but also within the Democrat party, itself. On his Inauguration Biden called for bipartisan UNITY, but all his actions offer only the opportunity to UNITE IF we adopt all his crazy ideas. Otherwise, like the radical Islamists, he is determined only on destroying our ideals and all the things that have made us great and a leader among the nations of the world and respected by most. WHY? For only one reason. HATE! He and the radical Left want only one thing… a complete reversal of all the good that our past president Donald Trump achieved in his short four years. With Trump our country enjoyed as secure a southern border as was possible, we achieved energy independence, a thriving economy and world respect. We truly were the nation that almost all others looked up to and respected. Where could we and the rest of the world be TODAY, if not for this disease that the Left has spread, like a political pandemic to destroy our nation. They only want our subjugation and will accept only one thing... the Unconditional Surrender of whoever has an opinion different from theirs. Isn’t it our policy to punish HATE crimes? So why is the Left radical agenda, which is based on hate for everything that does not support them, not being punished equally?

Our currently elected officials are a joke, disrespected not only by foreign dignitaries, but by over 65% of their own citizens, as well, including MANY registered Democrats, who had originally voted for Biden but have now realized that their issues and concerns (supposedly a part of his campaign promises) are only important to him, IF they coincide with his own, which he has now shown that they were all LIES. These Democrats, have in growing numbers started to vote along Republican lines, realizing their previous error of their belief in the Biden administration, as more and more among their ranks have begun swing their support to the Right, turning their previous support towards disapproval on every issue (economy, immigration, schooling, etc.) causing a growing disapproval rating of more than about 65%. and growing, as to his administration four country. They may have had a majority of votes in 2020 (the jury is still out as to whether the election was stolen or not), but clearly by the real State of our Union (not Biden’s fabricated fantasies of it) the President's administration is NOT representative of the MAJORITY of Americans today. Yet, he and his puppet, Harris, continue to be allowed to remain in power, though half the time he doesn’t even know where he is or what he was told to say (by who knows who, which pulls his strings). In the ongoing process his administration continues to take our country and our very lives further and further down the proverbial 'rabbit hole'.

With all the ongoing shootings in most states and major cities, where rampant crime runs amuck, and police officers and civilians are shot and killed, for no good reasons, Biden and the Left seek to blame GUNS, saying that that is the reason there are shootings and rampant crime. That if they outlaw all guns, there would be no more shootings or crime. WRONG!

That is just the excuse they use to justify their way to subdue the Right. IF they can take all our guns, a little at a time, there would be no way that we could defend ourselves. YES, you heard that right, and I am not inciting violence against the government, BUT I am stating that as a citizen of this nation, we do have the right to defend ourselves from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. The right to have and bear arms (guns) are a right we have under the Constitution, and IF the government wants mine, I will gladly surrender them one bullet at a time, until they pry my guns from my dead fingers. Mr. President, if the 2nd Amendment is not absolute, as you say, then hear this, neither is your Presidency. YOU are a servant of the People and we (ALL of us) are the People, not just the Left.

When Trump was President, the Left did everything they could to be subversive against his Presidency. They accused him of every imaginable alliance with Putin and Xi (which have now been proved false/fabricated), they tried to impeach him, and when that didn’t work, did everything except try to overthrow his administration, though they came close trying to impeach him. They would call their people (supporters) to violence, incite riots, loot and pillage, and call it ‘their right to protest’. I suspect that IF he had won the 2020 election (as he should have) they might have even gone to the extreme of assassination or a Coup D’état, and chalked it up quite justifiably (in their own sick minds), to simply doing their civic duty. Today, with even half as much dissent from the Right, they complain that we are being subversive to the government and that something needs to be done to stop us. This is WHY they want to take all our guns, and control our votes, so that we don’t do to them what they might well have done to us. Yes, the use of guns to indiscriminately shoot unarmed and innocent citizens, whether White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, young or old, children or adults is definitely WRONG. However, WORSE than that is rejecting the real cause of that violence, while blaming it on something else (like GUNS), to justify their own end, to be able to take our guns. That’s WHY the violence continues and will not end and WHY rampant disorder keeps involving shootings, and stores keep getting looted. Compare the Left’s light approach and failure to enforce the law and/or prosecute criminals to see why there is so much wrongdoing and violence in those same cities and states, and how there is no such problem in states and cities where law & order is enforced and criminals are prosecuted.

IF the Left really wants to end the rampant violence that exists in our society today, they need to endorse the need for Law & Order, and reject the movements to defund the police, rather respecting and promoting the police and all law enforcement. Also, prosecutors and judges need to be forced to punish law-breakers, or be held accountable for all the wrongdoings someone they failed to prosecute did after they had the opportunity to punish them and change their criminal behavior. It’s like kids that are not taught respect while growing up and never punished for not minding their parents… they will have no respect for authority and will cause every kind of trouble, just because they think they can. If you spare the rod, you spoil the child. That’s the way I grew up and I am thankful for my parents’ authority and teaching me respect of others.

Sadly, Biden’s presidency does not just affect us, as Americans. The whole world is also suffering due to the Biden administration’s crazy turnaround of everything that former President Donald Trump did to reverse the failed administration of Barak Obama and re-build our nation to Energy independence, a strong Border and Immigration policy, a strong stock market and Prosperity with opportunity to grow and improve our lives, for ALL Americans. The world also respected and feared us due to our military strength and Trump’s strong, but just, leadership. North Korea, Russia and even China knew better than to start any trouble, because they would be held to bear, whether with sanctions or force, if it came to that… so they behaved. Even more sadly, is that all the deaths in Ukraine are partially the fault of Biden’s weak administration and liberal policies, which have emboldened Putin to do as he pleases, knowing that Biden is not strong enough to oppose him… and Biden’s actions so far have proved Putin absolutely correct; and China appears to be heading in the same direction with Taiwan. Biden is a putz.

Our so called 'President' is a bumbling and gutless fool, a puppet who can't remember what he was told to say (by no one knows who is actually pulling his strings) and continually contradicts what his own administration states; our Vice-President is also a witless idiot who can only laugh, but can't put together a coherent sentence, so she laughs (probably at herself. These are our LEADERS. Please!!

The rest of the government also functions on the premise of, 'do as I say, not as I do, but do it or suffer the consequences'. Our southern border is no longer existent and illegals are just pouring in with the government's consent and blessing, with known terrorists, rapists, drug traffickers, and human trafficking brokers… all the worst of other societies, flooding our own. Though we have energy independence, our government is choking our production capabilities, making us energy deprived, which is killing our economy with gas prices 3 to 5 times what they were just over 1 year ago, before Biden took over the leadership of this country. And Inflation is through the roof with prices and interest rates also are rising to unimaginable highs, and the stock markets are dropping to unfathomable lows. The Police departments and Border Patrol, as well as Law Enforcement of all agencies, are being disrespected more and more, with calls for their defunding, yet are expected to come to the aid of the very people who want them gone, and do their job when violence or threats present themselves. Crime is allowed to run rampant and lawlessness is no longer even prosecuted in many Blue States and cities, or charges are minimized, encouraging the bad behaviors. And on, and on.
When confronted with something Biden cannot do legally, or when even a Federal Court or the Supreme Court rules against him, he simply does it anyway, by means of ‘Executive Orders’. So even IF the House and Senate flip to majority representation by Republicans, will that be enough to hold him at bay of his crazy ideas, or will he continue to circumvent our legal processes doing as he pleases? A President that acts like that cannot be respected or supported.

Sometimes, when peaceful opposition and resistance is given every possible opportunity to effect change, yet continues to be non-productive, and worse seeks to destroy a nation by tearing it apart, then armed resistance may be the only way to resolve differences of rule or opinions to that end, before one side completely destroys the other's right of survival. Self Defense IS a Constitutional Right. This premise was clearly demonstrated when the thirteen colonies revolted in 1775 against the oppressive British rule of the King; then again with the Civil War in 1861-1865, when the ‘issue’ was whether Slavery was going to be legal or not. Thankfully, the Union won and abolished Slavery, but it served to represent what can happen when the government acts in a manner that cannot bring about UNITY, which is the foundation of our great nation.

Now, we are faced with yet another great political division in our country, one that continues to escalate and dive us further and further into a place where the majority of our citizenry does not appear to be satisfied with, given Biden’s floored approval ratings. We are at a very dangerous point and frankly I do not see a workable solution, if Biden remains in office at the helm of our nation. If we continue the way it is going, there will be nothing left of our country to salvage by the end of Biden’s term in 2025.

1. Let it go until our citizens have more than they are willing to abide by, and then who knows what will happen. At worst, civil unrest, which may end in assassinations or an uncertain civil war.
2. Some say that the President needs to resign or be impeached. But then what? We then have to deal with the VP, who cannot even speak coherently and can only laugh when she doesn’t know what to say. No, that won’t solve the problem. It’s not a matter of replacing certain key figures, because the problem is not about certain people, but by the whole administration and the will of our elected officials in the House and Senate, who fail to represent their constituent’s majority opinion. The latter I am confident will be resolved in November, when given Biden’s administration’s actions since taking over the Presidency, even many among the Left (but not the radical Left) are voting along Republican lines. However, what I find unacceptable is having to wait two more years to get rid of Biden’s administration/oppression, as that will certainly destroy our country beyond repairable means, making it much harder for the next administration to correct the damage created by this administration. By then, possibly we would be too weak and too divided to even defend ourselves against someone else taking us over… like Russia or China.
3. We can try to avoid all the above by accepting the fact that this administration has evolved into a rule that is NOT representative of the majority of its people… and only represents just a small percentage of people that use loud and aggressive behavior to appear to be bigger and more authoritative than they truly are, and in doing so, we can seek an alternate solution. One such solution could be to call for a Special Election to evaluate IF the Biden Administration still represents a majority of its citizens or not, and if not, then move toward a NEW election for either a Provisional President for the remaining 2-year term, until the 2024 elections, OR for a new 4-year term (2022 – 2026), or whatever new term is decided. IF a particular candidate (like TRUMP, per se, to the Democrats) is the issue, then each opposition can select ONE candidate that they can object to and he/she be excluded from running for the Presidency. However, the same would be true for any Democrat candidate that the Republicans object to, just like jurors can be objected to in selection of a jury. In such a case, an alternate (like DeSantis) would be a good candidate for the Right. Each Party can promote their own candidate and the winner of a fair, impartial and perhaps even independent election would complete either a 2- or 4-year term. Since it is now quite evident that the individual states cannot be trusted to manage their own elections, without someone alluding to ‘FRAUD’ when the vote does not go their way, perhaps it’s time to revamp our elections process, taking the burden from each state and contracting an outside firm with no ties or interest in our own elections, to manage and oversee our elections. Having worked for De La Rue International, for instance, they have served in managing elections for a multitude of foreign countries, with complete unbiased integrity and security, but there are others as well, such as Scytl Election Technologies S.L.U. and others.
4. OTHERWISE perhaps this nation has evolved beyond its original UNITED status of States and needs to separate into two or more countries… a Democrat (Left) union of States… and a Republican or Right-wing union of States, so that everyone’s ideologies can satisfy their needs. California is so far out there, that they may need to be a separate country of its own. The whole world is changing. Perhaps its time for us to adapt and change with it.

All I know is that I cannot abide by this continuing Radical Left philosophy, which is fueling hate and dissent to try to take over the entire nation, so they can destroy it for the rest of us. That is why we have moved to Wyoming and become Wyomingites. Here we can not only have our guns, but we can open carry and conceal carry them, even without a permit, because YES, Mr. President, the 2nd Amendment is strong here, to defend the 1st. I hate to have to say it, but THIS government is NO LONGER MY GOVERNMENT and BIDEN is NOT MY PRESIDENT anymore. He is no longer competent to serve as such and is overwhelmed by the Far Left’s control. His administration has mutated into an abhorrent form of rule, contrary to that which I swore allegiance to in 1980, and swore to defend 'against all enemies, foreign and domestic'. In our case, TODAY, the enemy is more DOMESTIC, represented NOT by the People (of any particular party) or by parents who demand to be responsible for their own children (without government interference), and as such are called ‘domestic terrorists’ by the government, BUT BY the present administration of Joseph R. Biden Jr. and their continuing effort to destroy our nation by dividing it and weakening it to the point that nobody else will want it either, so they can sell it to China or whoever.

However, don't get me wrong. I am NOT INCITING (as is the favorite complaint of the Left, NOR SUGGESTING THAT WE SHOULD OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT, however I am suggesting that something DIRE needs to happen, and SOON, to stop this administration’s abuse against now a majority of its citizens, as evidenced by their continuing declining approval rating. I hope we can find a solution without having to resort to violence, but the Left does not seem to be interested in ending the violence… just in getting our guns and making us weak and dependent on their power over us.

As a legally admitted alien (foreigner), Hispanic (citizen since 1980) and as a 6-yr active US Army and long-term US Coast Guard Reserve veteran, I have NEVER been ashamed of our government or country, UNTIL NOW. So, can anyone PLEASE explain to me (in a credible manner) WHY Conservative Americans are so complacent to continue to allow the Liberals to relentlessly degrade and weaken our country toward its ultimate demise? And WHY should we let them? IF Putin or Xi dropped troops on our soil with the intent on taking us over, would our citizens not take arms to try to stop them? Well, they’re here already in the form of the Far Left, so why are we not taking a stand to stop them?

I no longer follow the news because Fox News, Newsmax and Fox Nation, are some of the most conservative news media and while I respect all their on-air personalities’ commentaries, it seems to just be all talk…talk… talk, but nothing ever comes of it. Something or someone needs to effect a change, not just talk about it.

OK, I've had my say and won’t harp on it anymore, except to say that hopefully, we can find a way out of this dilemma that the Biden administration has put us in, and that the Far Left continues to push with their crazy agenda, BEFORE we either lose our country altogether, or have to resort to a breakup of our UNITED States, or worse... I want to be proud of my country and government AGAIN. I want the old America BACK… a strong and respected America… the one with Energy independence and a strong economy, the one with respect for law & order and each other. Going GREEN is just fine and a worthy change for the future, but it cannot be accomplished overnight or be pushed to that end until the infrastructure for changes is in place. What good does it do to have all EV vehicles, if we don’t have the capability of producing the energy to power them up, without overloading the grid and burning it up. But the Far Left wants to push their agendas anyway and that is just not going to work pushing it beyond its availability limits. We have started on the road to accomplish it. Ford and other manufacturers are working on the development of EV vehicle lineups. But pushing it before we are ready for it, is a sure failure.

A RE-DO election would be the best solution, but if that doesn’t work, then a clean break of the states as Red or Blue and California separately as Green. Otherwise, Civil war may come all on its own. If you don’t hear from us IF/WHEN/AFTER the **** hits the fan, we may have relocated into an off-grid encampment in the mountains… or joined the expats in Mexico or Panama.

So, I’ve had my say. Thank you for reading my thoughts, you are welcome to respond if you so desire, though I ask for constructive criticism, not obnoxious comments, if you have anything to say. There are enough assholes and rude Liberals in the world already.

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